분류 전체보기 49

Genealogy of the Jeju 4.3: Resistance and Politics of Decolonization

Genealogy of the Jeju 4.3: Resistance and Politics of Decolonization.    Abstract: This paper appropriates a genealogical method to study the effective history of the Jeju 3.1 rally (1947), the 4.3 armed struggles (1948), and the Korean War (1950). It begins with the Taft-Katsura Memorandum of 1905 and undertakes sociological analysis of coalition politics, discussion of “Red Island,” and bio-po..

카테고리 없음 2025.02.02

Helmut Gollwitzer: Public Theology and Its Postcolonial Implications

Radicalizing Barth:Helmut Gollwitzer’s Public Theology and Its Postcolonial Implications Abstract:In this paper, I investigate Gollwitzer’s theology to clarify his prophetic stance on public theology and its postcolonial implications. It is crucial to elucidate his critical theory of capitalist revolution and historical materialist conception in relation to Karl Barth. I employ narrative anticip..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.09

Public Theology, Civil Society, and Education

Public Theology, Civil Society, and Education                                                                         https://www.khan.co.kr/culture/culture-general/article/202210041429001  Prof. Paul S. Chung   AbstractThis essay explores the public role of religion in society and culture for civil society and public pedagogy. Faced with a religious turn in the social sciences, I map the variet..

카테고리 없음 2024.12.01

Heinrich Bedford-Strohm and Public Theology: Civil Society and Emancipation

This paper illustrates my engagement with Heinrich Bedford-Strohm’s public theology and liberation. The proposed Seoul Conference in 2026 seeks to cultivate a shared vision of public theology and emancipation in addressing religious, scientific, and sociobiological discourses.  Paul S. Chung AbstractIn the following essay, I intend to introduce, examine, and explain Heinrich Bedford-Strohm’s ecu..

카테고리 없음 2024.10.06