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International Public Theology in Forum: Position and Collaboration

Paul Chung 2024. 6. 26. 11:50

International Public Theology in Forum-Center: Science, Civil Society, Life-world


Editors Position


Public theology is a theological and philosophical endeavor designed to provide a more complex frame of reference aimed at facilitating the church in its cultural, sociopolitical, and ethical responsibilities (see Chung, Postcolonial Public Theology, 2016, 1).


I once defined public theology in relation to social ethics for the public sphere in civil society. In collaboration with global scholars, we now extend public theology to embrace a whole spectrum of relationships at the international level with attention to a social scientific frame of reference. It features the significance of eco-systemic inquiry with robust scientific and religious conversations, addressing  civil society, climate change, and public policy for the flourishing of our common life in the world. 


International Public Theology in Forum-Center 


Public theology in the forum examines the relevance of science and religion and its meaning in a pluralistic society. Embracing disciplines that include a theology of religion, comparative theologies, the sociology of scientific knowledge, and life sciences, it seeks to explicate scientific discourse and techno-paradigms in order to advocate and promote policy formation for eco-governance, the common good, and integrity of life-world.


Our forum intends to engage in constructive conversations that privilege comparative religion while underscoring the significance of its cultural and social function and influence. Furthermore, our forum will pursue conceptual clarity, constructing a public theology of science to engage with life sciences, religion, ecology, and sociology of science in a critical emancipatory manner.


A Board of Trustees/Governing Body


Rev. Dr, John B. Valentine, Senior Pastor, Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church, Orinda, CA 


Christian Link, Emeritus Professor fűr Dogmatik und Philosophiegeschichte an der Universität Bern and an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (honored)


Young Maccarone, Counseling Psychologist


Steering/ Editorial Committee


Paul S. Chung, Dr. Habil. Director and Editor-in-Chief  


Craig L. Nessan, Senior Advisor  

William D. Streng Professor for the Education and Renewal of the Church Professor of Contextual Theology and Ethics, Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa


Lois E. Malcolm 

The Olin and Amanda Fjelstad Registad Professor of Systematic Theology, Luther Seminary, St, Paul, Minnesota


Raymond Carr  

Ph. D. Research Associate, Moses Mesoamerican Archive and Research Project,

Harvard University. Advisor to Public Theology and Black Church 


Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Dr. Habil.

Professor of Systematic Theology Fuller Theological Seminary and Docent of Ecumenics at the University of Helsinki


Traugott Jaehnichen, Dr. Habil.

Professor fűr Christliche Gesellschaftslehre an der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany


International Distinguished Affiliate Faculty 


Paul S. Chung, Dr. Habil.

Director of International Public Theology in Forum-Center, Affiliated Distinguished Faculty 


Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Dr. Habil. 

Professor of Systematic Theology Fuller Theological Seminary and Docent of Ecumenics at the University of Helsinki


Traugott Jahnichen, Dr. Habil.

Professor fűr Christliche Gesellschaftslehre an der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Ruhr-Universität Bochum 


Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Dr. Habil. 

Moderaror of the World Council of Churches Central Committee

Professor, the University of Bamberg, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, Germany


Dr. Sooil, Chai (visiting)

Former President at Hanshin University, Seoul, S. Korea

Endowed Chair in Ecumenical Theology and World Mission at Hanshin Theological Seminary  


Advisory Committee 


Ted Peters 

Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology and Ethics at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA


Ulrich Duchrow

Co-Founder and Co-Moderator of Kairos Europa

Former Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany


Deborah M. Gordon, Personal Advisor, Professor of Biology, Stanford University, CA


Korean Research Group


Lim, Chang Sei, Dr. Theol.

Specialized in John Polkinghorne and Quantum Physics at the University of Bochum, Germany. Liaison in Correspondence to Consulation of Theology and Science, S. Korea


Hong, Kyung Tak,

Editorial Assistant in Korean Correspondence 


International Institutions in Collaboration


Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany


Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA  


Karl Barth and Public Theology Center, Consultation of Theology and Science, S. Korea


Hanshin Theological Seminary, Seoul, S. Korea 


Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church, Orinda, CA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) 




Currents in Theology and Mission, Wartburg Theological Seminary


Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture, Ching Feng, Hong Kong 

Stipuation: If any Forum papers would fit Asian studies of religion and culture, it would be possible to recommend to editor, Ching Feng for  publication review. The Christian Study Centre is a collaborating institution with International Public Theology in Forum-Center for mutual benefits.