Critical Theory in Public Sphere: Civil Society and Life-world
Jűrgen Habermas, a leading sociologist, inspired intellectuals and public readers to understand and involve the legacy of the Second World War. If it is a failure, how do we honor the Germans soldiers who died on the battlefield? But if it is liberation from Hitler’s Third Reich, how do we comprehend the reality of the Holocaust? Such debate implies both controversy and capability. Transposed to the issue of settler colonialism in Palestine, however, historians’ debates gain actuality with a different profile and argument.
In an American context, Thomas McCarthy takes issue with white supremacy and Black destiny in history, society, and culture. He elaborates the extent to which social Darwinism continues to invalidate our request for racial justice and restorative path to human dignity (his excellent book Race, Empire, and The Idea of Human Development, Cambridge, 2010).
We come to realize how Christian nationalism is woven with American rightist politics of power, violence, and bio-politics. We are aware of a Black theologian James Cone’s book The Cross and the Lynching Tree. A theological outcry challenges our society to realize what is going on in the Black Lives Matter movement.
Wriiten by
Paul S. Chung (Dr. Habil.), Editor-in-Chief,
He specializes in theology (Basel, Switzerland) and sociology (Berkeley, CA). Served as associate professor at Luther Seminary, MN, then nominated to distinguished faculty, LSTC. He served as senior advisor to chairperson, Jeju 43 Peace Foundation and member of Radicalizing Reformation among global progressive scholars in WCC-LWF.