Public Theology in the German Context
“Public Theology” in the German context
In the German context, the concept of “public theology” can be described programmatically by Wolfgang Huber as follows: “'Public theology' means critical reflection on the effects of Christianity in the public sphere as well as dialogic participation in thinking about identity and the crises, the goals and the tasks of society.”[1]
In this sense, it is important to clarify the impact of Christianity on today’s society as well as to show the lasting relevance of Christian impulses for overcoming current social challenges.
A focus of the current German debates on “public theology” is to identify the ethical dimension of socio-political issues and to develop corresponding orientations on the basis of the Christian tradition: “Public theology... is about presenting the offering of the Judeo-Christian tradition as to make a helpful contribution in the search for answers to questions in which the public is looking for orientation.”[2]
Accordingly, “public theology” can be understood as a genuinely theological task in the sense of the comprehensive mission to proclaim (cf. Mt 28:16-20) as well as a service to society. Therefore, both a “clear theological profile”[3] and “the language of secular reason”[4] should characterize this concept.
In order to link these two sides, interdisciplinary, multi-perspective and, under the conditions of globalization, internationally networked dialogues must be organized in order to fulfill this demanding task.
Closely related to this is the traditional goal of Protestant theology in Germany to strengthen Christian political leaders and scientists in their faith and to contribute their skills to church and public communication from a Christian point of view. The aim is to develop Christian contributions to public debates in the sense of “political advice”.[5]
In addition to this fundamental socio-ethical dimension of “public theology”, the remembrance of the Christian roots of culture and the collective memory of society is also one of the tasks of this concept.
[1] Wolfgang Huber, Kirche in der Zeitenwende, Gütersloh 1999, 117.
[2] H. Bedford-Strohm, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Position beziehen. Perspektiven einer öffentlichen Theologie, München 2012, 118.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Cf. H. Bedford-Strohm. 118f.
[5] Traugott Jähnichen/Gert G. Wagner, Die Kammer für soziale Ordnung der EKD – Reflektionen zur historischen Entwicklung, Politikberatung und zum Arbeitsprogramm, in: ZEE 51.Jg (2007), S. 215-221.